“Mystery of Love, History of Hope 2.0” Post #18: “Adam”



_____Every year, approximately 18,000 new species are discovered
__________—Michelle Peters, Natural Habitat Adventures


“It’s good” That’s what He said,
When Adam began in Eden
Still naked and unconcerned
Still un-encased by shame—fully
Wondrously attentive to the
Impossible variety and abundance
Of standers, runners, jumpers—on twos and fours
Flappers, up-visitors sweeping overhead
In the vast unreachable blue.

Adam could’ve gone about his day
(there were days, they say)
Savoring nectars (spoiler—not apples)
Lounging, warm in the sun, napping—
Surely, there was napping in Paradise…
He might have been content to simply
Coexist with the many beings, also milling about—
The Others, shall we say, the Not-Himselfs,

But Adam, made of clay and breath,
Had found his calling: Science,
with a concentration in Biology
For what else is it, to awake
To God’s inexhaustible
Variations on the Theme of “And”

To take a closer look,
To notice the details
distinguishing butterfly
from moth, and to give
each a name of its own

…Iguana…Tardigrade…Wandering Tattler…
Celestial Monarch…Resplendant Quetzal…

“And it was good.”

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